I Am Not an XBox

Reading this poem makes me laugh, or at least smile. The way the writer expresses himself is really funny. He says that he is not like such an electronic goods as XBox.

Take a look at the following poem, you will do the same like me.

I don’t have a controller,
And I don’t have a screen, 
I don’t need to be plugged in,
I’m not grey and green. 

I can’t make sound effects,
Or visuals that are fantastic,
You can’t put me on a shelf,
Because I’m not made of plastic. 

However, I do have curves, 
Will keep you entertained all the same, 
You can’t insert a disc, 
But we can make our own little game.

I Am Not An XBox Poem
The writter tells his girlfriend that he is not like the electronic goods that she can do like what people do in terms of playing game with an XBox. The writter is a human being that can do anything but does not have a controller, a screen. He needs not to be plugged in. He cannot play such an effect as can be found in an Xbox. Besides, he is a human being, that can not be put in a shelf, when the girl does not need him anymore. 

But, eventhough he is not like an XBox, she can make a little game with him as stated at the last line.

4 Responses to "I Am Not an XBox"

  1. Replies
    1. Terima kasih Gan Aries. Ini blog sudah lama, sejak Maret 2013, tapi gak pernah diurus, dan ini pengin urus. Terima kasih kunjungannya ya gan.

    2. you're welcome... ngomong" blognya banyak sekali gan.. :D

    3. Masih ada lagi blog yang lain, yang sudah saya buat lama, tapi gak pernah diurusi, karena seneng nulis saja. Nanti jika sudah agak bernafas, saya urusi blog-blog itu.
